- на душе
[PrepP; these forms only; usu. adv]=====⇒ (s.o. experiences the emotional state specified by the context) inwardly:- (there is an emptiness <a heaviness, bitterness etc>) in s.o.'s soul (heart);- s.o.'s heart is full of (joy <happiness, sadness etc>);- s.o.'s heart (is light <heavy, grieved, sad, happy, peaceful etc>);- (s.o. feels bitter <joyful, happy, empty etc>) at heart;- (s.o. is <feels>) lighthearted <heavy-hearted etc>;- [in limited contexts] s.o.'s spirit (is uneasy);|| у X-a спокойно на душе{{}}≈ X has peace in his soul;- X's soul is at peace;- X has peace of mind;- X's mind is at rest.♦ На сердце у Григория сладостная пустота (Шолохов 2). There was a sweet void in Grigorys heart (2a).♦ Хотя был еще день и совсем светло, у доктора было такое чувство, точно он поздним вечером стоит в темном дремучем лесу своей жизни. Такой мрак был у него на душе, так ему было печально (Пастернак 1). Although it was early in the afternoon and full daylight, the doctor felt as if he were standing late at night in the dark forest of his life. Such was the darkness in his soul, such was his dejection (1a).♦ ...[Ростов] чувствовал себя весёлым, смелым, решительным... Утро было ясное, лошадь под ним была добрая. На душе его было радостно и счастливо (Толстой 4). ...[Rostov] felt cheerful, resolute and fearless. ...It was a bright morning, he had a good horse under him, and his heart was full of joy and happiness (4a).♦ Опять весна, и у меня очень легко на душе. Я люблю весну (Казаков 2). It was spring again...and my heart was light. I love spring (2a).♦ "...Мы все живем на пустом свете, - разве у тебя спокойно на душе?" (Платонов 1). "We are all living in an empty world-do you really have peace in your soul?" (1b). "We all live in an empty world-do you have peace of mind?" (1a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.